
The Epic 10 of the Year

Fellow Bloggers and Readers,

It's that time of year again. The Santa Clause, Elf, and Christmas with the Kranks are playing non-stop on every movie channel on television. Pumpkin pies are baking, photos from christmas tree decoration parties are being posted on facebook, and children circa age 8 are finding out that Santa is really just mom and dad. The holiday season is also the season, at least in the cyber world, for end of the year litsts. Hipsters everywhere are sitting by their computers anxiously awaiting to see whether Pitchfork will affirm their favorite musical picks of the year or enrage them by picking some obscure artist like Fuck Buttons for album of the year.

At Epic Mail we'd like to start something a little different. Since we're not exclusively a music, movie, literature, or political blog but a little bit 'o everything, each epic blogger will post his own "Epic 10" list for 2008. Ten things - absolutely anything - of 2008. Personal stories, favorite songs/books/youtube videos, best macks, most epic "Ohhhhhh!" moment... anything as long as it 1) happened in 2008 and 2) is justifiably epic. I'd ask each blogger to spend some time on this post. Gather videos, links, and short explanations for this end of the year round-up.

Any reader who would like to contribute a guest Epic 10 List should email one of us and we'll post it (so long as it meets Epic Mail standards).

In other year-end news, Andy is taking a look back over our short blogosphere career and is compiling a top 10 list of Epic Mail posts that will be coming shortly. We're trying to work in some kind of reader poll to determine popular opinion. Any ideas/comments are welcome. Get to work on your Epic 10 List, epic mailers.



There has been a surplus of great ideas on this blog as of late.

Quilliam said...

A brief correction -- i'm just compiling a "year in review: best of epic mail 2008." thus, i am not confined by just 10 posts, mortals

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